Friday, May 27, 2005

Frolicking, the joys of

I just sneezed! Someone's thinking of me! Either that or I just needed to expel air from my lungs, or whatever sneezing is...anyways....just a note on frolicking, an integral part of the weekend when you have nothing else to do. As Sarah, Hantie and I were discussing the other day, having a nice frolick of a Saturday morn is the way to go. What is frolicking you may ask? Well, each person has to develop their own take on the style, but esentially it is walking in a skippy manner. Try it. Watch Starwars!!! (that was a subliminal message)


sez said...

Frolicking certainly is fun. You know, i sneezed the other day while i had my head in my school bag fossiking around for a lid of a container which i had chucked in there [the whole container was in there, not just the lid, but i had found the actual container before i found the lid, which is why i was fossiking for the lid.] [btw, 1 point to me!! or maybe 2 actually hehe] but i think i was trying to expel something from my lungs really...i mean think about all the crap that would be in your school bag...seriously...

sez said...

and frolicking is an integral part of the weekend whether or not you have something else to do. it's just gotta be done ;o)

CJ said...

(shakes fist threateningly) damn u and ur subliminal msgs...neways frolicking eh?? sounds like fun...i like doin that in softball between bases wen im stealin and the catcher missed the ball...its mainly coz it stretches my legs and becoz it offends the other mean of me... neway... watch bill baley! his comedy dvd funny as and he sings about subliminal msgs!

Elizabeth said...

That sounds cool! Why won't someone write a song about frolicking?!?