Sunday, August 27, 2006


If my maths exercise book had any more flags in it, it would probably be eligible for the “Super Patriot of the Year” award. However, that aside, I’d just like to ask, is “for a full on day of full on fun” a phrase from an old ad for magic mountain, Puzzle Park or Greenhills? It’s something that’s been driving me insane for the last five minutes.

Anyways, after establishing very clearly that we should all move to California (California!) for Just Another Day in Paradise where Everybody Hurts, so Save Me! because I’m a Terrible Person, and should Stop! right now, and be Forever Young, before becoming a Prisoner of Society, but I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing, so When the Sun Goes Down I’ll find A Horse With No Name and travel under the Moonlight Shadow and search for The Holy Grail. Nah, that’ll never happen…because I’m no Superman :P

…hmm, got a bit carried away there. To rephrase that ramble: I’ve been listening to music. It really does help with the homework. Anyways, it’s been an interesting weekend. (and by weekend I mean the period of time beginning the second you leave the school grounds)

Starting by witnessing Hugh Jackman sing, dance, prance, and have his butt grabbed by random women, you would think that Saturday would be a bit of an anticlimax, but alas, no! Awaking bright an early at the chipper, morning person’s time of 11:43a.m, I thought it was going to be a quiet, slow paced day of homework and SATACing…that was before stumbling downstairs and finding myself amidst a raging, intense battle or epic proportions: Pluto; Planet or Dwarf – who has the right to decide?

15 minutes of “Read this Article!” “It’s purely from a human perspective!” “What about Pluto?” “Who’s to say it’s a rock?” “Who’s to say it isn’t?” “Pluto’s a dog!” later, we agreed to disagree (wow, I really don’t like the cliché-edness of that phrase) and the tension subsided, and then the homework and SATACing began.

The rest of Saturday was a riot of…[10 paragraphs omitted here. In summary: homework, msn, phone, eating, phone, Mighty Ducks! msn, sleep…] Also: thank you commas! Because otherwise I’d have been msning a phone which I later ate while watching Mighty Ducks….riiiight.

Sunday however, is the most exciting day of all. Not just because I watched Dr Who, ate pancakes, and did homework…I got new conditioner! Yay! Crisis averted! Door is closing! Woohoo!

…anyways, this is starting to turn into a fully fledged ramble of incoherent babble, so I’m going to stop now….no….now.

Wear the Fox Hat!


CJ said...

hahahah "To rephrase that ramble: I’ve been listening to music"
hahah like we wouldnt have noticed that :P
hahah arse slapping fun! with jackman

Anonymous said...

wow... ur right, this really is random! :) Nice work.

Elizabeth said...

It's less random than the last one...I hope :P

No, I said butt grabbing... though it's still equally disquieting...

sez said...

greenhills. i think... haha, a guy that looks like my cousin was in that ad, i wonder if it was him... anyway, indeet it was incoherent babble, but OH WELL!! :D ahhaha, yay PROCRASTINATION!

CJ said...

still arse slapping fun with jackman :P

Elizabeth said...


Elizabeth said...

lol, has anyone got the email about the fox hat thing?

sez said...

err... no...

Elizabeth said...

ZOh ok then, I'll explain it some other time...

CJ said...

fox hat???
good luck for your speech