Saturday, August 12, 2006

Spice Up Your Life

We’ve been through ‘The Year Play School Became Un-cool’, Teletubbies – The must have accessory for any self respecting nine year old (wow I really hated that phase), the six months of “omg Leonardo DiCaprio is sooo dreamy, the oh-so-mature-and-witty ‘Pen 15’ and the endless joys of carpets and static electricity. It’s a good thing that the Spice Girls were around, because otherwise we would never have realised that what we really really really wanted was a “zing-a-zing AH!” Been there, done that, bought the bracelet/showbag/VHS tape of ‘Spiceworld – The Movie’. (actually I didn’t get the movie…is it sad that I wish I did?)

The discoveries continued with finding out how totally awesome and fashionable it is to wear matching floral print trousers and tops to a disco (after which many fun hours could be whittled away by shouting in each others ears because “it really isn’t that loud.”) And what better way is there to spend fifty minutes worth of lunchtime than trading stickers/bits of coloured paper/millipedes?

…and I’m sure that by now we ALL know who “Bugsy” is. Or what “I was born on a pirate ship” sounds like when spoken out loud. Ditto spelling out “I Cup.”

But at least by the end of it, we all came out better, well-adjusted people…or so we thought.

Year 11. We were at the top of our game. Serious conversations. Exams. Homework do-edness. Listening to mature, non twelve-year-old-target-audience music. Not falling asleep on the school bus…

So what is it about Year 12 that has a superior dorkifying effect on those going through it?

The year’s trickling away, and with it went the anti-dorkyness barriers that had taken years of quashing and repression to build up. Barely noticeable at first, I didn’t even really start to notice until this week. Maybe I should have twigged when I turned up on day one with Narnia and Spiderman maths exercise books…

After a few weeks of coming home on Friday to watch “H2O – Just add water” a program about teenage mermaids, and responding to arguments with “so’s your face.” (which I might add is totally legitimate…watch Scrubs. JD proves it) it was not until I found myself doing my English application while listening to “Wannabee” that the true extent of what shall now be known as “Twelvenoiditis” finally hit…

Wow I hope it’s not just me.


CJ said...

no your not the only one elizabeth, i must admitt i have started to suffer from dorkyness and listening to strange songs not my usual punk rock, it probably started when i got the fourthies to piggy back me everywhere (talk about power tripping :P)

sez said...

yes, i would agree, its not just you, since i participate in the discussions, and occasionally say "so's your face" :P so... you know, i wouldn't describe me as 'mature' :P

btw, who's bugsy?

Elizabeth said...

It's the hand thing, you know? "This is Bugsy. Bugsy say "Hi". Clap for Bugsy! Oops, Bugsy die."

Classic junior school humour...

CJ said...

haha i did that at lunch the other day but we just call him buggy hahah gotta love that :P and everyone was like "omg you're a freak" and the fourthies thought it was hilarious and laughed :P damn fourthies

i watched heavy weights today such a funny movie :P
iv decided the walt disney company has an obsession with baseball they have made heaps of baseball movies and just have baseball is a scene of their other movies... oh well good for me because i love baseball (and downhill bike riding) just thought i would share that with you :P

sez said...

haha, THANKS for that CJ, i feel my life is so enriched now :P haha, and ohhh, now i remember bugsy :P haha

CJ said...

hahah yeah its a divine inspiration feeling that one :P
hahah buggy was awesome but i felt bad because buggy always died