Sunday, October 07, 2007

Advice is for Mugs give

He looked me straight in the eye, sarcastically nonchalant yet somewhat searching. No words needed to be spoken for the meaning to be understood...

Worst lack of postage ever.

Of course, that’s just the opinion of James Dean on my “Rebel Without a Cause” mug, but when I came to scroll down this page, I could actually see every post I’ve made this year. Poor form.

Be that as it may, it is possibly poorer form yet to be having conversations with a piece of tea-containing crockery, but, there are exams looming, so for the time being I’m going to bask in the associated highly insanifying blamability factor that comes with them.

It’s been a strange day, and there is one word to explain why.


Now it’s one thing to try and project a musical-esque situation into real life – in reality, how would you react to a street full of randoms not only only pre-empting your dance moves, but somehow knowing the oh-so-appropriate lyrics that are cropping up in your brain?

Imagine how much stranger it would be to find yourself seemingly amidst someone else’s musical. Worse still, that someone else seems to have heartily nicked off, leaving you to grapple with the harmonised twangings that make up their life.

At least that’s how it somewhat felt today, due, in large part I’m sure, to the copious listenage of me to the Buffy Musical Soundtrack...which I should probably listen to “Once More With Feeling” then let it slip back into the archives for a while....

Makes for a pretty odd time as you putter around your home searching for the one solitary toilet roll that has been doing the rounds of the house this weekend (we desperately need to go supermarketing...) whilst in the background there are people singing about the anguish of being torn out of heaven. And the joys of mustard removal of course.

Anyways, procrastination be gone! I’ve already vacuumed my room once!


sez said...

WHEE for postage and background changeage!!

Anonymous said...

:O you have just proved, harold is definitely cool

Anonymous said...

but i'm cooler!

Anonymous said...

i wish i was cool =[ i must play for the crows.

'Who are you and how did you get in here?'
'I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.'