Sunday, October 08, 2006


Individuality hinges upon expressing yourself through means different to those of everyone else. However, it is impossible to do so entirely exclusively, as we all have to have some things in common with others, therefore, maybe individuality is merely a person’s unique combination of the people, things and influences in their surrounding environment.

...which is what makes shopping centres so fascinating. Stocked with identical item after identical item, so many people go to them, and then come away with random assortments of stuff. Yesterday was one such experience, in the almost futile quest for summer clothes (which I'll totally get to wear so much before exams...) Each shop has it's own image, or "fashion sense", which can have mixed results for different people. One store in particular seemed to have gone crazy with the "bubble" look. Bubble dresses do work sometimes, but it takes a very particular kind of body type to pull off the bubble top - otherwise it makes thin people look thicker, and everyone else look elaphantine (a word I discovered while trying to bulk out my Year 4 "Personal Spelling List"...)

Tops are getting longer and longer, so that they would be indistinguishable from dresses, but for the fact that that...nope, drawing a blank. That's not all for tops now though, becuase it seems that alongside the stripe invasion (which is actually kindof cool) comes STAR ATTACK! Not suggesting that it's bad or detrimental in anyway (yes, detrimental. As in it melts your skin or something if you choose to wear stars...) just interesting. Personally, I'm holding out for the day that everyone's wearing Dr Who tops...

The shopping experience itself is wildly varied for different people, or even for yourself depending on your age. Usually over life, shopping goes from: Interesting, frustrating, fun, boooooring, fun, terrifying, ESSENTIAL, boring, fun, shmeh...or something like that. Have to admit though, it's good that now I'm a bit older, to be able to walk past or *whispered* into the bra section of a shop and fight the residual 11-year-old-inner-self's overwhelming urge to flee.

Anyways, the random drawing at the top was a procrastination device where I was trying to sum up (in a somewhat weird way) what all the study this year feels like to me...sortof.

"The Night Watch" should be in a glass cabinet


sez said...

i love your drawings :P i wish my eraser still carried the beautiful result of those physics lessons last year...
glad shopping was good, i got a new top the other day too, YAY.

CJ said...

hahah YAY shorts :P
im with IB people and they are laughing about random things and takling about weird things with me..

Elizabeth said...

Sez: Thanks! Mmmm, year 11 Physics fun! Shopping (just wrote "shipping" which reminds me, i read this and thought it was weird: Delivery by car is called "Shipment" and delivery by ship is called "Cargo")

CJ: YAY SHORTS! ...also, weird, good...:p Lol, like what?

CJ said...

yay shorts
oh just like whose doing what uni course adn CAS stuff and i was helping anna explain how playing tennis had made her a more worthwhile person :P
so funny!!

Elizabeth said...

Lol, that's just a tad random then :p You should be more normal like me (I'm listening to the Dr Who theme at the moment...)

sez said...

haha, yeah, everyone should be more normal like you flux. mmm, tennis. i suck at tennis :P

oooooooooooh wwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh ooooh oooohh ooooohhh d ddd ddd its the doctor who theme song d ddd ddd

hahaha, how on EARTH do you write that :P

sez said...

OH, and nice rollover pic :P

Elizabeth said...

Hmm...well that was a pretty good effort :p It got the essence of Dr Who-liness accross. Yay! They're singing Spice Girls songs on Wigley Reserve...