Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Elusive True Base

Mathematics. It’s everywhere. Thought it may appear in many different fiendish disguises, calculus, trigonometry, statistics, hypothesis modelling…the all-time favourite: Pythagoras, and serve many purposes, such as running this computer and making the internet usable, at the heart of all the complication, it the base ten number system. So, why do we have ten numbers in a series? 1-10, 11-20, 21-30? It would work just as well with any number, so why was 10, just another integer, selected to be this all important thingummy? Through all its complication, at the root of it all, our entire mathematics system is based upon the number of fingers we have. So, it would seem, that had we not 10 fingers (and DON’T get into the “thumbs are not fingers” arguments…I’ve had that argument more times than…well, 10) maths may have been based upon a completely different digit…but was it what we really wanted?

Now, it’s not as though any of us have ever sat down and said “wouldn’t it be jolly smashing if we had a number system with a base other than ten?” because, other than the fact that it’s not a very interesting chain of thought, to quote so many debates ranging from year 6 to Senior B – “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” There’s nothing wrong with having a base ten number system, but slowly it has begun to dawn on me that, though somewhat subtly, the human race seems to have an inherent preference for Another Number!

It seems, that for some unbeknownst reason, the Number 7, plays a large, if not equal to that of mathematics, role in Today’s Modern Society. Sound unlikely? Then explain why there are:
- The 7 World Wonders
- The 7 Deadly Sins
- 7 colours in a rainbow (though a bit dubious about Indigo)
- 7 music notes
- 7 dwarfs to accompany Snow White
- going to be 7 Harry potter books
- one for every year he is at Hogwarts double whammy with that one
- 7 days in a week
also why:
- 7 is the neutral pH
- Does one “sail the 7 seas”
- There are “7 brides for 7 brothers”
- Is there a classic series “The Secret 7”
- Is there a phrase for being unsettled in marriage after 7 years, known as “The 7 year itch”
- which is also the name of a movie featuring Marilyn Monroe yet another double whammy
- Do a lot of schools stop at year 7

Though other numbers do inevitably feature in the Grand Scheme Of Things, i.e. “The Famous 5,” etc. no other number seems to be as prominent as the Almighty 7, not even the All Powerful 10. So…is something trying to send us a message? That, it’s time to be rid of the order and logic of having an even number system, based upon fingers, and to embrace the chaos that would ensue from a base 7 number system? I think the answer is a resounding: no, Personally, I think it’s so popular purely because it is conveniently situated between 5 and 10.
So now, having just voided all my previous text, I’d like to firstly say: LOST, why do you do these things to me? Why can’t you just be over with?!?! and finally, trail off on a dramatic note, of which I have not yet thought of…


sez said...

hey elizabeth. heh. i'm sitting 3 rows in front of you!! haha! anyway, when i get home i shalt posteth a most wonderful comment about 7 being magical. but only once i'm home. so. a bientot.

sez said...

here is my comment, coz mum wouldn't let me have the internet yesterday. hmph. so. 7 really IS a magical number...
they invented indigo coz 6 was considered an evil number. here are some more '7' things...
- the 7 churches [this is mostly from revelation btw] [Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea - Rev. 1:11]
- 7 stars [rev 1:20]
- 7 golden lampstands [rev 1:20]
- 27 books of the NT
- well i can't think of any more right now... i shall posteth another comment if i do. the bible is full of 7's... see how many YOU can find...

CJ said...

u can call me on friday

Anonymous said...

your insane where do you get these ideas thoughts or what ever they are? other than that your blog thing is rather interesting in a weird funny sort of way hehe. but why don't you use the number three it just seems like such a nice number being really curly and all that sort of thing. any way i am going to go now as i am sitting right next to you so the whole perpose of this is kind of piontless so yes i am going to go