Monday, June 27, 2005

Don't blindly trust the Analagy!

My exams are finished! The feelings of relief, joy and rapture are...well, to tell you the truth, they actually do not seem to be cropping up at all...odd...maybe that has something to do with the back exercises of maths I have yet to do, and all the piano practice I haven't done...but on the plus side, I did watch Black Books, and learnt how to say Dylan Moran's name properly...excellent.

Anyways, what I wanted to really comment on, was the way in which we will blindly trust analagys. If something can be said in a different way, expressed using an example, then it must be true. The same applies for idioms, metaphors and the such...but think of it like this: using the "analagy" of a game of chasie (chasee?): There is a child who is very bad at chasee and so always gets caught, so they decide to start cheating. When the cheating is discovered, they are not allowed to play anymore. So what does this teach us? Well, it's all up to interpretation really. One: That cheating will leave us left out and will never pay, or Two) That firstly you get caught, and then you cheat (?!?) and when this is discovered, you are rewarded by not having to suffer through a lunchtime of being "It" and not being able to catch someone...

You can't catch me!


sez said...

that's right, DON'T blindly trust the is a comment for elizabeth. now comment on mine :P

CJ said...

yeah ok i didnt actually read the post so im goin to write a couple of random large words... epistomology...antidisestablishmentarianism...chicken...oligophreniac...theomanic... well there u go... more random words for ur vocab! enjoy!

CJ said...

haha iv read it now... u forgot 4) u dont get punished for cheating unless u get caught...(starts rambling about the Spartans)... basically the theory is u can do all of thes3e bad things and thats fine but u only get in trouble because u were caught not the actual fact that u had done these immoral acts!...

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