Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Early Work

Apparently for the most part the official critera for diagnosing mental diseases cannot be used in children, as you would get too many false positives. For this, I am grateful.

As someone who spent an embarrassing percentage of my under 10 years doing well adjusted things such as "making wardrobe forts to read in"", "learning how to catch coins I fling off my elbow"* and "hoarding butter in case of earthquakes", I can see how this may not have ended well for me.

Apparently I also found it necessary to record most things I was doing or thinking, which is why I have a large stash of notebooks, diaries and miscellaneous other pieces of writing (as well as a disquietingly large number of drawings of ducks and 'Pressed Scottish Cheese', whatever that is).

Anyway, one such thing I found was a story I wrote about Sailor Moon.

That seems to be the end. 
Potential publishers: please form an orderly line.

*Over thirty 20c pieces in one go. Just for the record.

1 comment:

sez said...

I wish I could make up stories like that, you are so talented.