What better way is there to start a person on the path of education than to place them in a “Garden of Children” and tell them that Fritz is actually Elephant’s Ears.
In over a week from now, University will be a happening thing, so naturally you should regress and remember your initiation into “schoolishness.” Kindergarten is fun, learny, and yet is really quite out of this world.
Social dynamics are interesting. For one thing as a general rule, Kindergarten “boyfriends” are a bad idea. Hypothetically speaking of course, they try to peer pressure you into eating sand (“it’s really nice!”) and then one day they exclaim “you get it every day! It’s my turn to try it on” about your favourite dress in the dress-ups room. Plus, of course at that age they have “boy-germs.”
Then there are shoe alliances to be made. Regular shoe swapping is essential for survival in everyday kindy life. I mean, the grass may be greener on the other side, but who cares about grass if you’re standing on it with your feet in shoes that aren’t adorned with multi-coloured sequins?
You also have your foray into physical education, with looong treks to the collection of swings, tunnels, and bizarre metal twirly things to which there are no point in a park, which seem to last for a reasonable percentage of forever (we drove past the kindergarten the other day…leading to the discovery that it is actually situated next door to the playground…hmm…fitness.)
Anyways, to wrap it up, young children have a penchant for acclimatising themselves with new things by putting them in their mouths. So, as logic follows….crack out the finger paints.
i had a bag that had multi-coloured sequins on it :D it was AWESOME.
You too can see Darwin's theory of natural selection in action! Just add lead to those funky coloured finger paints and see the natural goodness of nature's toxic heavy metals at work!
If it was good enough for houses, it's good enough for children (under the age of 4)!
Known side effects: Culling of overly inquisitive children, may lead to improvement of gene-pool.
I accept no responsibility for these words. :)
Lol better than arsenic (which I think they had in paints at some stage) and better lead in the paints rather than in makeup (which they also had at some stage)...ten points for safety awareness...
Well surely the manufacturers were thinking about the post-humous preservation qualities of arsenic. Beauty lasting beyond the mortal coil!
Or maybe they were using the "big picture" method of insect and bug eradication :p
i updated PAIOC!
plus added a link to it on my blog, with my pic of the amazing leaping straw. i actually dont like that photo though, so i'm trying to think of something else i can photograph... [ps, how speccy does my blog look now? :D]
hi elizabeth!
haha, that was funny! oh, those were the days!! how's uni going? i'm sure you're having a great time. hope you're not getting too lost, coz i always got lost in my first few weeks!
btw, somehow, i've managed to accidently delete you from my msn :S (not sure how i did it!) and i can't remember your address. perhaps you could re-add me?! thank you!! :)
talk soon,
love stephi
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