What does one do with oneself once the hurdle-esque hurdle of exams is leaped and bounded over?
Well, for total hardcores like me, the first thing is to very aggressively and teenager-ly stack your schoolbooks in neat piles in the guest bedroom!
From there just came delinquent activity after delinquent activity (cast of extras bursts into a rousing chorus from “Gee Officer Krupke”) Schoolies was a flurry of junk food, jump street, random spinning around in circles and…singing High School Musical?
There's also really good grasstastic fun to be had :p ("Well they are blades")
But anyways, with school being over (well almost), what better way to nostalgic up your life than with a bit of quality room cleanage? Within minutes I had re-located my Favourite Fantastic Fun-Time Yo-Yo, where fun ensued. Opening my cupboard and peering right up the back, something tall, shiny and clompy was found to be lurking…with fear in my heart, and horrifyingly clear realisation in my mind, the worst was confirmed. Platform Shoes. Several inches high. And I used to wear them out!!!
…they still fit too.
Happy minutes were spent in serious contemplation about whether or not to put up an old Spice Girls poster, before realising that it might be too strange for words…so for now we’re sticking with X-Men 2.
Best of all though, was rediscovering my 6 inch stack of speech cards…where I found a Year 9 speech on the topic “The invention we most need.”
After rambling for about a minute about Holographic DVD players, Voice operated pens and teleportation devices, and how they’d all eventually break down (most spectacularly the teleportation device – ”…well, it could malfunction and you’d end up with a bunch of atoms floating into the abyss.”) it somehow made its way to how much living forever would suck, and so the invention we’d need most it something to keep us the same forever (go train of logic) …but that would suck because: “If you can’t die, you don’t need food. If you can’t get sick, you don’t need doctors. If there’s nothing left to find out, you don’t need scientists, and if you live forever, you can do everything you ever wanted to. But then what are you going to do when your life’s played out and you’re still living it?”
Well there’s one way to end on a positive note :p
Due to recent events however, my view has changed a bit – the invention we need most is something that stops toilet paper running out…because nothing says ‘tension’ like a family all accusing each other of using up all the Sorbent.
Anyways, starting to ramble a bit (though this is better than starting to Rambo a bit, otherwise I’d be Sylvester Stallone, which would be very not very normal), so I’ll end with the following moving words (yay double meaning):
hmm, you make me laugh flux.
good work.
i neatly stacked my books in the bin :P does that count?
haha good work and yes starting to ramble.. haha
You can't throw books away! Thats some sort of sacreligious thing! Nooooooo......yay Rambo.
congrats on what would be some good results. Did u get any merits?
Hey thanks! Yeah 2, for IT and English comms. Who is annonymous btw?
ooooh thats exciting.
im not anon, i'm just saying, HOORAY FOR YOU!!!! =D
toilet paper of doom... always a problem. It's actually got to the point that we each have started hoarding and hiding toilet paper from each other and only using our own..... but then I ran out.....not fun times.
Thanks Sez!
Hmm...the toilet paper thing happened again the other day...along with Shampoo and conditioner! Nooo...
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