Sunday, November 12, 2006

Charmed Life

I always wondered what happened to the rest of the world when Piper from ‘Charmed’ froze a big city block full of people. Were the boundaries of freezedness, something like 100 square metres of frozen goodness, beyond which lay people hovering around the edges wondering why their friend had ceased moving mid-coffee sip? Or did the whole world freeze, thus making all the non-frozen people age, while the space-time continuum was ripped to shreds, as no time passes while the world is frozen, and yet The Charmed Ones could go about their daily business in what in actuality is no-time?

Bringing this back on topic, what I’m trying to say is that these few fun filled weeks of examinationy goodness feels a bit like that, where Year 12s as a group are The Charmed Ones, and everyone else is either frozen or evil.

Civilians, and civilian activities grind to a halt as we are stuck in lock-down, scrying for knowledge. Thunder thunders and lightning lightens; the downpour of rain pours downwards. Or, sometimes diagonally. Just general ominous-ness ensues. Escape is possible through slumber…that is if you want to escape into dark, frightening dreams. About camping. And driving Jeeps. And wearing Wellington boots due to the high muddability factor. Of camping.

From here the ominysity of it all disintegrates. Sleep is banish-ed (said in a Shakespearean way) to tomorrow, as the haunting words “Yo tell me what you want, what you really really want, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want” resonate around the room. Downstairs is stumbled upon, outside is looked at, whereupon the discovery is made…Rock and Roll festival. Complete with skirt swishedness galore (I may have written about this last year, or at least the suspicious aftermath, where there was a frighteningly organised looking convergence of orange bins left in the wake of those who roll rocks in the musical sense.)

Anyways, the analogy continues, as, like in Charmed, we only leave the house to fight evil. Or do exams. Whichever.

Which is what I’m going to be doing tomorrow, so I must dash.


There. All good.

Fascinating…for years what I thought was “A boh shu kuh! Mmmmhhhmmm” turned out to be “Come on sugar, Mmmmhhhmmm”…or "I'm all shook up, Mmmmhhhmmm"...I really have no idea. yay Elvis.


Anonymous said...

Good luck for tomorry.

sez said...

i so know what you mean though. EVERYTHING FREEZES!

and yes yes you did post last year about the freakish skirt swishingness and orange bins :P i also recall a number [possibly one] of conversations at our place of learning about such matters.

sez said...

at our educational institution.
hope IT went well.
if ya know what i mean ;)

Elizabeth said...

No, im not entirely sure that I do :p

I think IT went well...except for a random question about "Web Presence" or something of the like...ah well.

sez said...

well at least all [three of] you said the same thing. so i'm sure its ALL GOOD!

Elizabeth said...

I hope so - seeing as the MASSIVEST CLASS EVER all thought along the same lines :p