Wow, the past 24 hours were possibly almost better than when your playlist is on random, and yet the next chronological song comes on anyway!!! (Note: that’s a good thing…it somehow appeals to the inherent rebellious “defying authority and laws of randonymity” gene…or some nerd mutation of it)
To begin with, The Hypothetical Little Man (THLM) who spent the period of time from Monday night to late Tuesday afternoon sitting in my mind and prodding my eye from behind incessantly seems to have moved on to bigger and better things (I shudder to think what exactly) THLM only seems to make his presence known when I’m databaseing, and now that the assignment has been handed up, *que inspirational bagpipe music* fingers crossed that he’s gone for good.
After a personal best (yes, it adds up; I counted :p) and a mildly disturbing episode of Home and Away (why Drew, why???) I managed to get adequate sleep! (almost as difficult to achieve as spotting stripy penguin monsters) ((That reminds me: ‘Doctor! Doctor! I keep seeing purple monsters with orange spots!’ ‘Have you seen a Psychiatrist?’ ‘No…just purple monsters with orange spots.’)
On waking up, it turned out to be Wednesday; TV GUIDE DAY!!! Yay-not-having-to-watch-every-episode-of-Neighbours-to-know-what’s-happening! However, I didn’t have a chance to read it in between diving from bed to uniform to bag to kitchen to lift-shaft to bus…but there was no last minute necessary homework do-edness, so constructive time was passed looking out the window and listening to miscellaneous music.
Turns out it was a 50% day – 3 less lessons lessens the stress. Quality ‘sitting on couch’ plans were cleverly thwarted by the video guy, who was holding interviews in the common room, which was entertaining, and resulted in the rest of the day being chock a block full (weird phrase – chocolate blocks are no more full than other things…in fact possibly less so, with all the air cracks between the individual pieces that still take up a significant amount of packaging space) of ‘oh, it’s like that time when…’ which is always fun, and usually ends up with everyone collapsing in laughter about things such as ‘evil heartburn-inducing fruitboxes’. (Sorry!)
Having been ‘de-linked’ from the year 9s, (and I was going to show them how to fold flappy birds and everything…) fun times of wacky extreme SATAC-ing ensued, before a riveting bus trip [neutral-non-chocolate-related] full of sleeping, unfocussed gazing and explaining the ever-fascinating concept of ‘n’, the variable that isn’t x.
…and to top it off: Fish and Chips for dinner!
woohoo! first comment! and what an exciting 24 hours it has been for you! oh, damn, i missed the video guy, darn it ALL :P haha. mmm, fish and chips.
anyway, yay for database handing upping and yay for updateing and yay for just general yayness.
yay for there being 24 hours in a day and all that randomity rebellion!
im on crutches again
i didnt know that!!!! what're you on crutches for?!?!?
i'll just ask you in msn.. :P haha
hahaha good work sezbomb :P
hahah iv had fish and chips for dinner for the last 2 nights haahahah oh the fishyness :P
and the chippyness for the matter!
and yay for happetyness :P
Dis is CJ's little Sis HAyLeY! hehe. Thought id leave you a comment to say HI! =P Luv da blog!
Luv Hailz!!
The one from the picture on her blog? Yay! I feel SO popular :p InDEED! The high concentration of chipedness is extremely important!!!
hah yes yes it is :P
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