My computer keeps making freaky whoosh noises, which make me think its either going to implode, or take off back to its home planet.
That aside, I was actually trying to talk about something…which I have now forgotten. Well done concentration span and memory capacity, another tick in the “You Are Fantastic!” column.
Hmm…so, it’s been an awesome weekend. Well, everything except the homework. (wow, that sounded oh-so-very OC what with the starting things with “so”…how irrelevant) which in fact, I should probably be doing…ah well.
Actually, what I wanted to write about was the fascinating, extremely interesting concept that is: the afternoon nap. ( Warning: anecdote ahead) In prep, it was actually a lesson where the whole class would go to their cubby holes, and get out a specially brought from home blanket and pillow, find a place on the floor, carefully spread out, and then nap time would ensue, as exciting fun music would play in the background. It’s here that I’m going to confess that not once in the years that we did this did I actually go to sleep. It wasn’t from lack of trying. In fact, I was extremely jealous of those who could sleep, to the extent that I’d pretend, just to feel like part of the group (ooh, three year old peer pressure) ((also, I accidentally typed “froup”)) (((which could almost lead me to say: “Floop is a MADMAN! Help Us! Save Us!!!” but not quite…))) ((((This many brackets should probably be illegal)))) In the end to quell the monotony of forty minutes of not-sleep, poor old slush (my pig shaped pillow :p) ended up being defluffenated. Alternatively: I’d pass the time by pulling out some of cotton stuffing. Now he’s only half the pig he used to be.
Anyways, skipping forward a few years, the naps ceased, and work (wrote “wok”…it seems to be catching) increased…go rhyming! All of a sudden, you find yourself waking up on the bus, having been rudely awoken by an inconsiderate window making its presence known to the side of your head.
Maybe we’ve all got this round the wrong way. Should it, in fact be, the year 12s with the teddy bear blankets and soothing Old McDonald music?
Probably not. But still, it’d be good.
just because... hahaha see subtlety you can do :P
hahah the afternoon nap is great!
Old MacDonald is not soothing...
haah yeah true
OMG yes!!!! seriously, id do almost anything to get nap time back into the senior school curriculum... it really should be seen as an essential core part of the day, like PE or something... people say exercise is good, and so is getting an adequate amount of sleep... so why not?:) something to bring to the head of office... wouldn't that suck if they actually took that into consideration and put it up for next years yr 12's? that'd be sooo incredibly evil...
ggs is thinking about having siestas... poor spelling... but you know those nap things after lunch... because the students get so tired...
haha, i think thats the correct spelling... but OMG I WANT AFTERNOON NAPS!! take it to SRC! get it into the curriculum! do it! do it! who's in SRC here? hmm, i vote we talk to speeney and shannon about it :P haha, ohh, how good would it be... speaking of napping, i think i'll go to bed [just wrote 'goo'] [[FLOOP IS A MADMAN HELP US SAVE US!!]]
haha ummm yes
It's almost unbelievable how fun it is to say "Floop is a mad man help us save us!!!" :P
i know!! even funnerer to sing!
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