( Note: Not with generous servings of Specialist Maths questions)
No, the way to cheer yourselves up is with a good, old fashioned Soap Rant! What’s that? Well, for everyone who hasn’t experienced one, I’ll transcribe one as follows:
Cast your mind back to when the formal had just finished, with tornado-proof hair, and ouchy-feet, something to look forward to was a loooong shower. Now, pretty much anyone who’s seen Psycho is already a bit on edge when embarking upon a mission of cleansing, so any sudden shocks can tip you over the edge of your nerve limit.
Anyways, this was my mind-frame on that Sunday – this was my mind-frame when I discovered that the tranquility scented soap, wasn’t as tranquil as it proclaimed to be!
Standing calmly, trying not to shampoo your eye – reach out for the glint of purple at the corner of your vision only to discover….
...ok, a bit random I know, but I'm SLEEPY!
it's Ling Na
I know that soap is meant to be a good thing, such as clean you and all, but i have a theory, and my theories are few and wide apart, that soap have a MIND OF THEIR OWN, not to mention the fact that SSABSA want to brain us all so we learn all these useless facts and never know how to live in the real world. I mean i know that these "facts" can get us into uni and eventually land us in jobs, but i mean, who really want to know how many pi's there are in a full revolution, and why angles need to be in polar form, and whats with the argand diagram and 3D vectors, whats the use of being able to label and put them in component form- if anyone has answers to these, please email me at smiley_central@msn.com cause i'm seriously lost.
Back to the soap thing, they have a mind of their own and believe that they're the best and without them, society just couldnt function properly- i mean, jeez, how self centred are they??
So sorry to have rambled so much, but yeah.,...
Lots of love Ling Na
:O OMG!! SOAP NEEDS TO GO ON PAIOC!!!!!!!!!!! well spotted Ling Na!!
anyway, i cant see that picture very well its QUITE pixelated. good post though :P
hahah yeah really pixelated try changing the dpi to a higher number if u can... if u dont knwo what im talking about just smiling nod and agree... soup is deadly though but heaps of fun in allen house there are 6 showers in the girls changing rooms and its three on one wall and three on the other and they face eachother (they are cubicalled) but ppl play kinda like battle ships and throw soap over there cubical door and over to the cubical on the otherside and try and hit the person in the shower its really funny lol hahah
ahem yes anyway hahah
Yeah, I think possibly everyone has a soap story.
It's weird because on my computer its not pixellated at all, so it's almost impossible to change it to something else because I won't know whether it worked or not...I do I.T too :P
haha and even i know what dpi means :P and bahahahahah i wanna play battleships with soap! actually i dont. no wait, i DO, i just dont want it thrown at ME :P ahhaha
it's like jesus, but older!
In school it is pixellated...but not at home. What the?
...exactly like that!
hahah yeah battleships is awesome! i was just checking coz some ppl dont know what it means so yeah i didnt want to sound like an arrogant bitch...
pixellation rocks my socks lol
sokxs rock my sokcs!
Rocks lock my socks!
you 2 are wierd
me three me three me three!!!
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