Saturday, November 05, 2005

Where is my cow?

The Amazing Leaping Straw has returned, this time more fiendish and buoyant than ever. Used now to its valiant attempts, I have become very adept at waylaying its efforts. However, this does not mean to say that it is possible to do so in a coordinated, and efficient manner.

So, having started the horror of this weekend by accidentally plunging my thumb into a glass of coke while in a public, grown-uppy type of place, I am now free to embark on this four day test of studiosity.

Right now it is a struggle.

In mere minutes I will stand and face the battle with “The Revision Guide,” a green, A4 representative of the psychological battalion of the Inanimate Objects crew, not emerging until Thursday evening…

…which leads me to ask: What on Earth was up with the trams today? Timetable: 2:40p.m, though whether this is: Tram arrives or Tram leaves is unclear. However, this is of little importance, because despite arriving at 2:38p.m, we were just in time to see it smarmily sneak (seventy sooty scarecrows suddenly south…sorry, had a slight burst of alliteration) up Jetty Road.

Though a whole week’s Quota (or possibly two) of exercise was used up in chasing it, still it managed to escape. However, halfway up Jetty Road another tram was spotted coming the other way, so there was time enough to retreat into an air-conditioned place to recover. Life’s fun like that.

Once recharged, having cheerily waved goodbye to tram and occupants, I was waylaid by a bookstore. (I swear, it stepped out in front of me and expanded its door so no matter where you went, you still ended up puzzled, perplexed, and picking up a book.) From there, a new Terry Pratchett book was discovered, and with it, a new favourite quote.

So, unable to get anymore convoluted and jumpy with topics, I close by saying:

“Have we not all, in some way, lost our cow?”


Mystycal Tycoon said...

Bookstores can do that to you. as can trams. and L space. But I firmly believe that in another Trouser of Time, I am Terry Pratchett, and therefore in that trouser he cannot write books very well at all, so I am glad he and I are both ourselves in THIS leg...

His books are complexly funny, and witty, and humerous. And your cow will always be in the last place you'd look, simply because once you find it, you stop looking.

Anonymous said...

Thats so weird that all those references appear in "Guards! Guards!" Which I just finished reading half an hour is strange.

The best thing is the lack of chapters, the abundance of footnotes, and the character dialogue...that great man has taught many, the unceasing benefits of capitals and italics

sez said...


well i have never read a Terry Pratchett book... i should do that some day hey?

well well well elizabeth, you have 20 comments. granted two of them were removed, but they were there to start with!! hehe

anyway, i must go and tackle [well, continue tackling] the EEEEVIL maths DI, and hope that it does not overpower me so much that i can't go out tonight.

see you later.

on thursday in fact!

Elizabeth said...

I don't know why that says annonymous, because I typed it. My computer's having fun messing with me...It must be in cahoots with the maths book.

CJ said...

what exactly r u doin to the cow?? hmm on second thoughts i dont want to know

Mystycal Tycoon said...

one of the twenty was me, not writing it right, so I got rid of it and wrote it again! Sez, read Pratchett, it is too good not to! I am glad it was you Elizabeth and not an Anonymous person who was mentioning their appreciation of TP, it is good to know others out there understand the complexities of good humour!

sez said...

lol, places to travel by click... :P

Mystycal Tycoon said...

Guards Guards was the first TP book I read....
Anyone who hasn't read any of his books, read them now! Or, alternatively, pick up an Orangutang and then call it monkey...

CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...


CJ said...

love cj

sez said...

haha, wooo! and now its on 23!! go CJ!! :D

Elizabeth said...

Thanks CJ! Yay! I feel ever so, ever so popular...maybe the next goal will be fifty...meh, next year...

I started watching Sleepy Hollow again, but I didn't get very far into it. Everytime I see anything I'm like "blood's wrong!" or "don't jump!" [long pause, and then...] "I TOLD you NOT to jump!!!" lol

I read "The Fifth Elephant" first. Not a really good one to start with, but good enough for me to keep reading them. I reckon "Night Watch" was pretty good. Go Vimes!

CJ said...

arent i a good friend to u?! lol but yeah sleepy hollow hey? yeah damn blood splatter is wrong grrr.... oh well its a JD movie so that makes up for it!

Elizabeth said...

Of course it does! He makes up for all the detail errors...besides, it's a pretty good effort. In IT we're making a movie set in the common room...we film on diferent days, so it's a case of "Wow! Behold the Amazing Moving Furniature!!!" (bags count as furniature; mostly because they're green and have straps.)

Mystycal Tycoon said...

JD is yay-ness! And I always liked the 5th elephant with the whole uberwald thing, it sort of added to vimes and carrot and the others, made them even more real, and then Night-Watch cemented that!

Mystycal Tycoon said...

lol! CJ with ur posting of comments!

Mystycal Tycoon said...

U r silly.

Mystycal Tycoon said...

And U r wasting space and time continue-ums!

Mystycal Tycoon said...


Elizabeth said...

Yeah, it showed more of the Discworld, which was good. I don't remember if it was in "The Fifth Elephant" where they said that "it takes a special kind of athiest to shout 'oh random fluctuations in the space-time continueum' when they hit themselves with a hammer" lol.

Thanks to CJ for introducing the goodness of Johnny Depp movies:)and for making me watch Sleepy Hollow when I was terrified of horror movies :S ack, remember 7 days? Gah!!!

Mystycal Tycoon said...

yes, clever Sleepy Hollow. You want to look away but Johnny makes you keep looking!

Elizabeth said...

Yes, it was a brilliant manouvere on their part! What can't that man do?