The symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, lowered brain capacity, and aggression. It is ongoing, will last for many years, and will happen to over 90% of our population in Australia. But the truly scary thing, if you’re reading this and are 15+ years old, then chances are that it’s happening to you right now at this very moment. I am of course talking about homework
Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate having the opportunity to get an education, to “partake in the learning journey,” but the fact is, there are some aspects of it that are almost unbearable.
The week ends and everyone goes home for a rest: maybe sleep in, have a late breakfast, go shopping? Sounds like a good Saturday. Then, maybe on Sunday you can go see a movie, catch up with friends…why not stay up late, just for the hell of it. You could do that, but it wouldn’t be as fun as it sounds. Homework is never ending. Even when you’re not doing it, the guilt of it still hangs, ever looming, over your head, at the back of your mind. ( note: though grammatically correct, the image created by the last sentence is physically impossible ) and if you ever are lucky enough to be up to date, to have finished everything, you know, that it is only the end of the first wave, and when you enter battle, whoops, I meant “the school gates,” on Monday, the second line is standing in wait, ready to heap upon you the reams of work that are the foundations of teenage life. Before you know it, it’s Friday again, and after a week of stretching your brain beyond human capacity, and where you haven’t gotten to sleep before the witching hour for the past five days, you know that yet another guilt-laden weekend lies just at the end of the bus trip, the bridging gap between the homework zone, and the work environment.
“School days are the happiest,” or so the phrase goes. And, to a degree, this is true. For the most part, it’s great. I like the atmosphere, the people, the place itself. But there’s always something there, something niggling, like a sneeze that will never come. Maybe it’s because of the days where the work has built up so much, that you go to bed wishing, that when you wake up, you’ll have a cold, or a stomach ache, or just generally feel crap, just so you can sleep, and escape to that place where homework doesn’t rule your existence. Six hours or less, out of 24, where you are free…then you get out of bed, not really awake, and suddenly discover yourself amidst a biology test…hmm…
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that things have started to change at school. Not only the teachers, the students, and the “social hierarchy,” but our very language. Where mean once was a description of “nasty, horrible girl,” who stole your eraser, is now a term for the “average percentage of Mexican lyrebirds who consume over 30 000 smunklemuggets in an hour,” and is now represented by the letter “meu.” What was once “Art” is now “Hess G in some cases, but if you take this strain, it’s Hess R unless you perform a triple pirouette with pike.”
All the same, I don’t think I’d trade these years for anything. (that’s the brainwashing kicking in) Stick to your guns and you’ll get through this: Here’s to the SACE years! For nothing can be worse than inanimate objects!
ah, truer words were never spoken elizabeth. here's some simple equations i worked out in my spare time...
school = work
home = work
weekends = work
social life = work [or guilt of]
therefore, since this is all that life consists of...
life = work... what kind of world do we live in?!
hey hey spare a thought for me! hahah or not...but yeah 12.5 hr days yes just wat i want woohoo...but i wouldnt give it up for the world not because these r the best days of my life but basically just because i know i have no options if i leave now! OMG DAVID that boy
ahh never fail to crack me up! and yes yes, tis all very true..WE NEED LIVES APART FROM WORK!
so there...
Elizabeth, you are a very talented writer, a hilarious comedian, and a women after my own heart. Keep taking time asside from the torture they call homework, and writing this blog. I dig your work man. Love Emma. Who you don't know. Yet.
Hey Elizabeth!
I'M POSTING ON YOUR BLOG! How proud r u of me? ^_^ Neways, yeah, definately agree, school is fun ... but it would be fun-er (can that be classified as a word? If not, it is now) if homework didn't exist. Hope you catch up on some much needed sleep this wk-end. Look at the Johnny Depp poster ...^_^
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