Friday, July 29, 2005

Thursday kind of Friday

Today is a Thursday kind of Friday, the best kind of Friday there is. On a this type of Friday, I go through the day thinking that there is one more day of school left, but when the realisation of what the actual day is hits, it’s an extremely pleasant not-quite-surprise.

Despite this positive note however, I have an observation that I want to write about. Why is it that when you come across someone walking in the other direction it is excruciatingly difficult to get out of the way or get past?

I’m certain that this has happened to everyone at some stage in their life. For someone to have avoided this kind of situation, they must have never come into contact with any other person ever. Though this might seem like an attractive lifestyle to people such as I, who are extremely talented at finding new and fascinating ways to embarrass themselves and stack it, (for this I use the example of tripping over onto grass, and still managing to cut my leg pretty badly) this doesn’t seem highly likely.

It’s the classic situation: you’re walking down a path/rundle mall/corridor, or making your way acrosss a classroom/shop/alien spacecraft, and all of a sudden, you encounter a person walking towards you. You graciously step aside to let them pass, only to find that they too, have moved, but in the same direction. Yet again you find yourself face to face. Move again, but the same thing happens once more. You both pause, giving the other the opportunity to make the first move, but neither does. Then, suddenly, both of you thinking that the other will remain where they are, makes another move again. Face to face once more. Fortunately, these things usually only go for three moves, until someone finally breaks the pattern. You smile awkwardly to try and rectify the situation, but your adversary does not. Instead, written across their face is an unreadable expression, which could be anything from pity to annoyance. With that, you walk away, already preparing to erase the past 27 seconds from your memory…or maybe it’s just me…

Anyways, on another note, on Saturday 30th August, or as it is more commonly known: tomorrow, come on msn! At 8:30p.m, we’re going to try and have a really massive conversation, so get as many people on as you can!

It’s been a while since I used one of these, and now that I am, I can’t think of what to write…oh well, when in doubt, say “Pineapples!”


sez said...

i know, it is quite an annoyance. and i know what you mean about the look they give you. and have you noticed that the tiddlywinks at seymour are very rude? they walk along in a gaggle, then when you, a sole figure in the mist...or in a corridor try to walk through them, you do expect them to move, i mean, come on, how hard is it for one person to move so another can get past? instead, you have to push your way through, and when you do get through, they give you a look of utmost contempt/omg what a LOSER/sif she pushed me out of the way!/i wonder what's for lunch no wait, scrap that last one. i've noticed this happens a lot along the yr 8 corridor-y bit when trying to get to chem or hetzel, and also a lot on the abbie wooden stairs. anyway, our msn party's gonna be GREAT!!! [and that is the end of my post-length comment]

CJ said...

heyya thats so true i always have that happen like yesterday on a staircase with a teacher! ah so embarrassing!

sez said...

and i know what you mean about a thursday kind of friday - yesterday was, probably coz we didn't have school on the monday...

C. said...

It has never happened to me!

Litus, the lonely castaway.

Speeney said...

i soooo agree with the walking past people thing! Its so embarrassing i hate it! and sarah... i agree about the little kids being rude at seymour
we had this huge conversation bout it in maths the other day with theyr 12s and they hate it too! dont you reckon its like they dont respect anyone i mean when i was in year 6 or 6 etc i would never ever be rude to a "big girl".. or maybe its just me.....

Speeney said...

i soooo agree with the walking past people thing! Its so embarrassing i hate it! and sarah... i agree about the little kids being rude at seymour
we had this huge conversation bout it in maths the other day with theyr 12s and they hate it too! dont you reckon its like they dont respect anyone i mean when i was in year 6 or 6 etc i would never ever be rude to a "big girl".. or maybe its just me.....