Saturday, July 09, 2005

...and yet more buttons

Holidays have begun, and so has the Inaugural Clean Up. This is when everything in my room gets taken out of its’ cupboard, shelf or cabinet, and put on the floor, in the hope that it will get sorted out, and eventually not be so disorganized. Unfortunately, in the interim, there is a resulting second level of floor, consisting of (sometimes extremely pointy) three-dimensional objects. High trippability factor…on the plus side however, cleaning my room has allowed me to rediscover a lot of things. I haven’t finished completely yet, so this will be a running total. So far:

Rulers: 9 + a geoliner
Sailormoon Badges: 5
Other Badges: 42
Watches: 10 (but many are not working, and one is pink and features Minnie mouse [!?!] )
Wallets: 5
Tennis Balls: 4 (odd, as I never have, and never will, play tennis…)
…and many, many buttons.

I’ll add more as I find it, but I think that’s the most of it…
On another note, having spent a fair while reading this Celtic Myths book earlier today (well, an hour and a half) there was an interesting story about fairies. Apparently, Walt Disney’s Tinkerbell and…that other one….I can’t remember the name…meh…anyways, those fairies are apparently overly nice misrepresentations of what the legend of actual (and I use that term very loosely) fairies are. Apparently they’re vengeful, spiteful and vicious creatures who enjoy messing with the human race. One such thing that they apparently do is carry people off invisibly, and as they pass, people apparently see or feel a “fairy wind.” (though descriptions of this were very vague) If you see one of these, it is believed that you should say something along the lines of “God Bless You,” and this forces the fairies to release whoever it is they are carrying off…I was just wondering if this had anything to do with saying “bless you” when someone sneezes…interesting, as this would mean that people in the past might have thought that you were expelling a wind created by fairies, as they carried off some “pore ‘ol soul” to somewhere…rational…


CJ said...

ppl say bless u wen u sneeze to make sure ur soul doesnt escape... somethin strange like that! nice post tho!

sez said...

yes. agreed. i'm sooooooo tired...i had 1/2 an hour's sleep last nite...aaaaaahhh!! who made breakfast be at 8am?! i mean SERIOUSLY?!?! actually, the six of us nearly fell asleep in the talk..i'm not making sense am i? oh well, read my blog [soonish] and i shall telleth you all about it. ANYWAY, badges and buttons...i like them...and WHY do you have sailor moon badges..??!

Elizabeth said...

So it seems that someone says it to stop the fairies from carrying off your soul...that adds an interesting spin on rooms still a mess! You've finished cleaning? I'm so jealous!!!

As for the Sailormoon was a phase...but they're really cool

CJ said...

hehe salior moon i remember that with tuxedo mask...hahaha...funny show!

Anonymous said...

I love sailor moon. i want those badges! where did u get them!

sez said...

POST AGAIN!!! [and in the meantime, read my post on efac...alhtough i think it's about 2500 words, you might not want to...:P ]