Friday, June 10, 2005

Revenge of The Handle

My school bag has a life of it's own, the aim of which I think is to frustrate me. To look at, it does not seem too menacing; just below hip height, black with bits of white around it, zip, handles and "The Handle...." To begin with, it was alright - it was bigger than my last one, so fit more books, it was more sturdy, and the zip worked. It was all great, until it decided to let "The Handle" lead it. At the beginning, it would just get a litttle bit stuck, each bit more and more, until finally it came to the point where every morning after getting off the bus, an epic battle would ensue. Then I found "the way" to open it. I alone mastered "The Handle" and felt like I had won. Then Yesterday happened. One kick, and the bag thought "screw this" we're getting back into the game. All of a sudden, one of the stands came off, so the bag can no longer support its own weight. Stand it up, and it will topple to the ground. Then, came "the Handle's" revenge. Leaving McDonalds, it finally took control. Simply refused to work, leaving me with a heavy bag, which threatened me with the idea that I might have to carry it...all the way to chinese school. Four brave souls battled with it, until upon the 60th attempt, I defeated it. "The Handle" worked, and I was able to wheel the bag. Alas, the story does not end here. Forced to close "the Handle" in order to put it in the car, I was convinced of my ability to open it the next day. This did not happen. Trial upon trial, proved fruitless.

"The Handle" had made it's last stand.


sez said...

oh no!! the Handle is an evil evil thing. should not be allowed on the streets. or be allowed to be sold. what is going on these days that bags with Handles like these are allowed to be sold?? you poor thing, that's all i can say. you poor poor thing.

CJ said...

oh the handle...right see i just have a backpack! but then i work at skool so i dont have to lug things around! but i can understand how frustrating it could be!

Anonymous said...

Ok Elizabeth, this is the time when I suggest the blatently obvious and say: get a backpack!!!! There is no evil handle or the stress of yanking something along behind you wherever you go..and also, i think it might make life on the bus steps slightly easier! Anyway, keep the posts coming...great to read. Luv me xoxo