Thursday, May 26, 2005

Marshmallows - the unceasing mystery

Alright, pink and white marshmallows...they're different...or are they? Personally I think that they are the same flavour, yet given a choice, I'll always choose a white one? Why? Because I reckon the pink ones taste perfumey. But they don't. I just think they do. It's brainwashing and I don't know where it's come from!!! Does anyone know what I'm talking about, or am I just crazy?


CJ said...

The only thing different in the ingredients of the marshmallows is the colour. That is, if you believe the stuff on the side of the packet. Personally I don't (but then I wear purple, tinfoil-lined hats). And speaking of Marshmallows, did you know that if you get a plastic bag, fill it with the pink ones (not blue or white or any other colour) and freeze it, take it out after 4 days and hit someone with it, it will hurt them? (and it will shatter). Mmmmmmm, marshmallows. As to the brainwashing, it's happening all the time, get used to it, or burn down all secret security places which are really running things (CIA, FBI, ASIO, MI1-MI7 etc.).

sez said...

elizabeth, you ARE crazy, but on this subject you are not. they are actually the same flavour...i know this because i just did an experiment with my brother [i'm bored and there's a packet of pink and white marshmallows in the cupboard, ok?!] where i had my eyes closed and he got me to pick which colour i was eating...i got 2/5 yeah, they ARE the same flavour...and burn down the CIA, FBI, ASIO, MI1-MI7 etc as well. [not that i know what the last one is but meh..] this is a really long comment!! ;o)

Elizabeth said...

I'm not the only one! Thanks for doing that Sarah! Also on the topic of marshmallows, on the other end of the spectrum, instead of freezing them, it's always fun to put one on a plate then in the microwave...they get really really big. Then you can eat it. Also good is to put a chocolate chip in the middle of it before you put it in the microwave...thus adding a centre of chocolatey goodness. Speaking of conspiracies, I have always (always being since a few months ago) had a bit of a suspicion of those Jamster Mobile Club songs...there's so many different ones, they go for so long, and they're on all the time!!! My personal theory is that they are spreading either some kind of code, or are brainwashing us with subliminal messages...hmm...this is also a really long comment : )

CJ said...

i blame all of this conspiracy talk on Morgan and his Tinfoil-lined just paranoid not conspirafied...but still i agree with morgs burn the serdret security places and i agree with elizabeth...ppl r trying to brainwash us...(note to self) continue to chant chicken everytime someone looks u in the eyes to stop them from reading ur mind....(in background) chicken...chicken...chicken...the computers lookin me in the eyes...chicken...chicken...