Monday, May 23, 2005

And on that note..

Re-reading the previous post reminded me of something, so I pose this question to you: Who here has drunk salad dressing, by itself, without salad (or even an avocado) at some stage in their life? Hands up. I know I have. I suppose that is why I am now immune to strong tastes. The first time however...well, refer to the previous post to get the picture... (hehe so witty *cough* anyways...)


Elizabeth said...

Note: though that doesn't include brussel sprouts...that is a taste that I will never become immune to.

sez said...

ha! brussel sprouts are good. i can't say that i HAVE drunk salad dressing by itself...sorry... :P

CJ said...

yeah salad dressing...but i still prefer my favourite of straight vinegar its so strong and sorta gives u shivers its great...(im feel cool!)

Elizabeth said...

Hey, what about brussel sprouts with salad dressing? Could it counteract the taste? I don't know about vinegar though...though on the other hand, theres vinegar in salad dressing...interesting

sez said...

no you didn't nic.

Elizabeth said...

Maybe if they sold it in brightly coloured cans people would accept it as a drink...but a whole can would be extremely gross...maybe not.