I have a special circuit in my brain. Initiated by the song "Staying Alive", I have to immediately quash the urge to strut down the street and violently force myself to stop imagining that I am carrying paint. Or a woman's man.
This negative feedback loop is important for two reasons.
Firstly, I don't want to look like a douche. Since my normal walk prompts comments such as "do you go through a lot of shoes?", adding a strut, swagger, saunter or any other "s" started adjectives would probably not do me any favours.
Firstly, I don't want to look like a douche. Since my normal walk prompts comments such as "do you go through a lot of shoes?", adding a strut, swagger, saunter or any other "s" started adjectives would probably not do me any favours.
The second reason, and arguably more important reason is one of personal safety. I have a propensity to fall on, up, into or down things when I'm walking normally. Change anything, be it my shoes, an unfamiliar set of stairs or my general sense of oneness, I fall. Or stumble. Or hit my foot against something, and then embark upon a journey creatively devised pseudo-swearing.
This sounds even more ridiculous when coming from within the suitcase I've just fallen into.
This sounds even more ridiculous when coming from within the suitcase I've just fallen into.
NOTE: I just realised my graph is wrong.