Message to all: it is now ok to roll down your sleeves. You will no longer be receiving slightly socially inappropriate requests to have you pulse taken.*
However, with an OSCE practice shaped void now in my life, I found myself filling my day with not as much sleep as previously expected, two visits to David Jones, an unhealthy level of enthusiasm for buying new bus tickets, a killing streak and 50 minutes worth of textbook perusal, leading to a now ridiculously sore left arm.
That, or I'm having an MI as thoughtfully pointed out by my parents.
Anyways, I have not much to say, and even less ability to say it, mostly because my left hand does 50% of the typing. Strangely, it is attached to my left arm which is seemingly on strike. This leaves righty to pick up the slack, and I can't afford the overtime. Plus he's getting cranky.
Why my right arm is apparently male now, I have no idea. Maybe today's lack of sleep is starting to kick in...
...a door.
Edit: I saw Sez today and it/ she was/ is rad.
*for the next six months.
...a seven year timeline of rants, paranoia, strange childhood behaviour, sketchy illustrations and awkward moments.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
David Tennant Bathers

Google image search is not without its charms. For both study and "other", it rarely fails to deliver. Glossitis? There. Caput medusae? Check. David Tennant in swimmers...I've yet to look, but willing to guess "present".
*10 highly Tardisised and Casanova filled minutes later...*
However with OSCEs looming in the very near horizon, one does get a good glimpse of how far detached from reality study can make you when you find yourself image searching "clubbing", leading to the 'led being thouroughly baffed. Ah well, you get what you get.
Clinical skills is a dangerous world. If you're not pounding out a jaunty percussion noted tune through your long suffering non-dominant hand's middle finger, or poking your parents and friends in the neck "just in case you have tracheal deviation" you emerge from your textbooks only to realize you haven't actually been outdoors in the last three days, and being away from people has made you start to chuckle at terms such as "biceps jerk." know...jerk. They're annoying and make you spasm. Ha.'s funny if you've had your anterior humour sensory pathway removed.
Oh well, at least the compulsive tea drinking has toned down over the holidays.
Anyways, on this shambled note (which i hope is resonant and not in the least bit dull), I'll wish everyone the best of luck for tomorrow and this term.
Oh yes, and for those wondering about the exciting and dynamic picture...Google image search the subject line of this post. I dare you.
Monday, September 29, 2008
The Unscrupulous Magnet Thief
...will be discussed later.
So, my room has been invaded. Ditto my brain it would seem, by an American girl bopping away her teens by beginning sentences with "so".
However, the main point is that I entered my newly de-trashified room earlier today only to discover that trusty mcholey had been replaced with whitey o'trampoline.
R.I.P. old pillow. I think it was the two giant holes in your sides that doomed you. Now it takes a special kind of feathered down softeness to make one tolerate a chasm capable of phagocytosing a hand in a crucial piece of bedding. That, or a special kind of laziness and intertia hybrid. Either way: I am wary of the foreign invader.
Guess it comes with the territory of a house-wide "spring clean".
The discoveries have been varied. From my exciting collection of wrapping paper and Dolly Magazines dating back to the Bec and Beau days, to a laser pointer that projects the words "Fifa World Cup, France!" onto the wall, the excitement is unceasing.
So thrilling that i've stuffed the unsortable into a box and saved it for summer holidays.
I can't think of an end, so I'll just put three dots.
and a colon.
So, my room has been invaded. Ditto my brain it would seem, by an American girl bopping away her teens by beginning sentences with "so".
However, the main point is that I entered my newly de-trashified room earlier today only to discover that trusty mcholey had been replaced with whitey o'trampoline.
R.I.P. old pillow. I think it was the two giant holes in your sides that doomed you. Now it takes a special kind of feathered down softeness to make one tolerate a chasm capable of phagocytosing a hand in a crucial piece of bedding. That, or a special kind of laziness and intertia hybrid. Either way: I am wary of the foreign invader.
Guess it comes with the territory of a house-wide "spring clean".
The discoveries have been varied. From my exciting collection of wrapping paper and Dolly Magazines dating back to the Bec and Beau days, to a laser pointer that projects the words "Fifa World Cup, France!" onto the wall, the excitement is unceasing.
So thrilling that i've stuffed the unsortable into a box and saved it for summer holidays.
I can't think of an end, so I'll just put three dots.
and a colon.
Friday, March 21, 2008
"Human Exclusive?" - not anymore.
Success at last! This weekend’s events just serve to prove, that with a bit of perseverance, and a lot of willpower, the good side of human nature can shine through.
Round of applause everybody, show the champions we respect what they’re doing.
Now. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you are A Bad Person. For shame, not thinking about the injustice our society (might have) inflicted on the voiceless ones.
I am, of course, speaking of Machines. This may be, your television, your computer, that alarm clock you loathe...even the local ATM. What do they all have in common? EXPLOITATION, that’s what.
Society these days expects too much. You want to be able to log on to the internet whenever you like? Selfish. Turn on a light switch and expect it to work? Narcissist. Want bank transfers to go through on the designated date? Whattawanker.
This is the easter weekend public holiday. Where does it say “human exclusive”? I ask you. Do we not care that your USB mouse might have an egg hunt waiting for it at home? Stop and think, your halogen lamp might want to leave to revel in the warmth of family. Maybe your car doesn’t want to take you with it for a romantic rendezvous. Alarm clocks of the world: maybe it’s their turn for a sleep in...
The cruelty of human nature seems to know no bounds, horribly exemplified by this abominable treatment towards our electronic and mechanical friends.
Now lets take a step back and look at the champion of our cause. The Bank.
These are the people who know what’s right. Electronic transfers? No way. Our computers are off on a three day trip to KI. Access funds? Not while our router’s out to dinner.
These champions of human kindness are the heroes of our time. They understand: machines need public holidays too.
For shame everyone...for SHAME.
Round of applause everybody, show the champions we respect what they’re doing.
Now. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then you are A Bad Person. For shame, not thinking about the injustice our society (might have) inflicted on the voiceless ones.
I am, of course, speaking of Machines. This may be, your television, your computer, that alarm clock you loathe...even the local ATM. What do they all have in common? EXPLOITATION, that’s what.
Society these days expects too much. You want to be able to log on to the internet whenever you like? Selfish. Turn on a light switch and expect it to work? Narcissist. Want bank transfers to go through on the designated date? Whattawanker.
This is the easter weekend public holiday. Where does it say “human exclusive”? I ask you. Do we not care that your USB mouse might have an egg hunt waiting for it at home? Stop and think, your halogen lamp might want to leave to revel in the warmth of family. Maybe your car doesn’t want to take you with it for a romantic rendezvous. Alarm clocks of the world: maybe it’s their turn for a sleep in...
The cruelty of human nature seems to know no bounds, horribly exemplified by this abominable treatment towards our electronic and mechanical friends.
Now lets take a step back and look at the champion of our cause. The Bank.
These are the people who know what’s right. Electronic transfers? No way. Our computers are off on a three day trip to KI. Access funds? Not while our router’s out to dinner.
These champions of human kindness are the heroes of our time. They understand: machines need public holidays too.
For shame everyone...for SHAME.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Benjamin Barker. Was.
Whistle while you work. This wonderfully alliterative yet quasi-random phrase shambled into my thoughts for some unbeknownst reason a few minutes ago, and, with not much else to distract, I went with it. Picturing oneself taking the aforementioned advice gave me a mind full of images of bemused customers giving me baffled looks before making requests for popcorn and other confectionified items. Overall I’m thinking that I won’t try this out in real life.
Unless of course I decide to go diamond mining.
That being said, it seems like a good thought to round up the week, which began with a film that ended with the word “was” (Sweeney Todd) and is ending on –brace yourselves- embarkment on a new Korean soap opera!
Also, in between these two monumental milestones has been a strange resurgence of Greenday. In particular “American Idiot.” It’s seemingly everywhere this week.
Anyways, I seem to have missed several significant events in my uncomfortably long absence from blogging, so I shall sum up in a difficult-to-read-shambles-of-a-paragraph:
Christmas!- came downstairs to find a happy Christmas spider residing on the wall. I assume he was happy because it was Christmas. I assume it was a he because I’m sexist and assume all spiders are males unless they’re biting the head off another. New Years! - there were many fireworks and few clothes in the Glenelg area. Sydney! - there’ll possibly be a SaRAD!-esque post coming up soon. Sweeney Todd! - (yes, it is a significant event) twas singing awesomeness, with a side of flinchtasticism.
...and there it all is.
I shall post again in less than a week, or else may all the super-pokers on facebook fling sheep or *shudder* “party with” me. Anything but that. Fear!
Unless of course I decide to go diamond mining.
That being said, it seems like a good thought to round up the week, which began with a film that ended with the word “was” (Sweeney Todd) and is ending on –brace yourselves- embarkment on a new Korean soap opera!
Also, in between these two monumental milestones has been a strange resurgence of Greenday. In particular “American Idiot.” It’s seemingly everywhere this week.
Anyways, I seem to have missed several significant events in my uncomfortably long absence from blogging, so I shall sum up in a difficult-to-read-shambles-of-a-paragraph:
Christmas!- came downstairs to find a happy Christmas spider residing on the wall. I assume he was happy because it was Christmas. I assume it was a he because I’m sexist and assume all spiders are males unless they’re biting the head off another. New Years! - there were many fireworks and few clothes in the Glenelg area. Sydney! - there’ll possibly be a SaRAD!-esque post coming up soon. Sweeney Todd! - (yes, it is a significant event) twas singing awesomeness, with a side of flinchtasticism.
...and there it all is.
I shall post again in less than a week, or else may all the super-pokers on facebook fling sheep or *shudder* “party with” me. Anything but that. Fear!
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