My dislike of laundry doedness has risen to an all time new level. Under normal circumstances, it is merely excruciatingly dull.
To better explain the issue, it is best to give an overall outline of the “normal” laundrerical process, or at least the one that exists in my household. There are three main stages; first, is the actual putting of the clothes into the machine, along with associated powders, cleansers, and softeners which will insist on being packaged in gently coloured containers, inevitably featuring a picture of a duck and/or a baby.
Following this, is the actual hanging up of the garments on some kind of fiendish device, that will find a way to clamp your fingers with its evil metal components. Then, colour coordination of pegs, and avoiding having to utilise the horrible, splintery wooden pegs ensues...this is the dullest stage of all. If you keep at it for long enough, you begin to find entertainment in “bettering” the clothes horse-eseque thing by fixing half snapped lines, or by thwarting its fiendish attempts at embracing gravity by wedging it between a table and a wall. Ha! Get out of that one!
*cough* anyways...any more time than that spent hanging the laundry, you then get into dangerous “everything must be exactly symmetrical” territory...and there’s pretty much no coming back from there.
The third, and final stage takes place some hours later. This is actually the least irritating stage, as it involves the folding up of the newly dried clothes, and thus presents you with options... Wow, you can let loose...should you fold along the axis of symmetry of shirts? Make that polo top look just like the ones in shops? Pants, folded in half, or otherwise?!? The choice is all yours. Thrilling.
However, there is one way to make the whole process s;ahgoi;wre ‘yto8a’ieg.
Sorry, just felt like pressing a lot of keys. I’ll try that again.
However, there is one way to make the whole process about eleven-fold more irksome, and that, is to make stage two occur in a tiny room. Sure, the gravity thing becomes not an issue anymore, but in an attempt to “pick up the slack”, the metal contraption picks up all new skills in the area of finger hurt and catchedness. Not only that, but once all the clothes have finally been adequately executed (sigh, if only they had ratted out all the other witches...), you then need to perform extreme gymnastics simply to make it out the door.
Good luck with study!